RPL Staff & Administration

Patricia Uttaro, Director, Rochester Public Library and Monroe County Library System | 585-428-8045   Director’s Welcome
Katy Hasselwander, Finance Director | 585-428-8056
Emily Clasper, Associate Director, Central Library | 585-428-8052
Jennifer Smathers, Associate Director, Monroe County Library System | 585-428-8051
Melanie Lewis, Deputy Director of Community Libraries | 585-428-8345
Ana Suro, Personnel Manager | 585-428-8061

Central Library

Tonia Burton, Children’s Services Consultant | 585-428-8151
Christine Ridarsky, Director of Historical Resources & City Historian | 585-428-8095
Joe Born, Reynolds Media Center Supervisor | 585-428-8357
Jennifer Byrnes, Business Insight Center Supervisor | 585-428-8102
Chad Cunningham, Circulation & Information Center Supervisor | 585-428-8165
Gabriel Pellegrino, Sciences, History & Social Sciences Supervisor | 585-428-8127
Vacant, Arts & Literature Supervisor | 585-428-8380
Shetora Banks, Teen Services Supervisor | 585-428-8152

Community Libraries

Johanna Buran, Maplewood Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8232
Dennis Williams, Lyell Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8219
Sarah Lehman, Lincoln Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8244
Maria Heeks-Heinlein, Sully Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8290
Catherine Kyle,Charlotte Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8236
Evanna DiSalvo, Frederick Douglass Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8227
Lori Frankunas, Phillis Wheatley Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8213
Mary Clare Scheg, Monroe Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8298
Bruce Tehan, Arnett Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8214
Kathy Wolf, Winton Branch Supervisor | 585-428-8240

Mailing address:
115 South Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604