Patricia Uttaro, Library Director
Re-Imagine, Re-Focus, Re-Engage – all things we at RPL worked towards in 2021.
Staff began looking at library services and programs differently as we heard new expectations from our patrons. Programs were modified to accommodate in-person and virtual participation; we welcomed patrons back into our buildings; new books showed up on the shelves, and things seemed to head back towards “normal.” Until December, when Covid surged and once again we had to pause our in-person programs and focus on masks and social distancing. As winter turns to spring, staff and patrons are re-engaging and re-discovering everything they love about the library. Despite the challenges of 2021, RPL staff produced some of the best programs and services I’ve seen in my career. The library wouldn’t exist without our excellent staff and loyal patrons. Thank you for believing!

Donna P. Benjamin, RPL Board President
So much change continues to occur, and I’m as concerned as many of you are about the challenges our community faces. At the same time, there is a positive and constant force that remains and acts as a strong beacon for our community–it is the Rochester Public Library. In 2021, as we worked to fully reopen, the dedicated library staff dug deeper and continued to provide incredible service to the Rochester community–from access to books (hard copy or electronic), to music, movies, art and information sharing. As we strived to reconnect with the patrons we serve, it underscored that the gap of inequities in access to information needs to be our continued area of focus. The RPL staff continues to do what is necessary and vital to ensure access for all, to ensure that we meet our mission. Thank you, to the community and to donors who recognize that RPL continues to serve as a positive vital resource for the changing Rochester community. Please read on to celebrate all that we continue to accomplish together. Then, visit your local branch to engage and discover something waiting just for you.