Genealogy Indexes

The following indexes were created by the volunteers and staff of the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County. They point to source material located in the Local History & Genealogy Division and the Retrieval Room at the Central Library.

These indexes are provided for public use; library staff will not do “look ups” for patrons.

You may visit the library and personally copy articles referenced in the indexes, or library staff can provide articles for you, with a limit of five (5) articles per request. To request copies, email, or write to the following address:

Local History Division
Rochester Public Library
115 South Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604

Please indicate how you would like the articles delivered: electronically or by mail. Articles cannot be faxed or provided on a “rush” basis, but every effort will be made to act quickly once a request has been received.

Some of these are large files, which may take a long time to download. Available in PDF form, they require Adobe Reader for viewing.

  • 1872 Beers Atlas of Monroe County Index – an alphabetical list of more than 11,500 property owners from Monroe County towns & villages. Pairs with individual maps digitized on Rochester Images or with printed maps available in the Local History & Genealogy Division. Prepared by volunteers from the Genealogy Round Table of Monroe County.
  • Brick Church Index – This index was created from the monthly church bulletins of the Brick Church, which span the years from March, 1894 to June, 1931. The actual bulletins are available for viewing in the Local History Division but may not be copied.
  • Chamber of Commerce Portrait Index – This set consists of 1000 photographs of civic and business leaders of Rochester, N.Y., published Rochester, N.Y.? : Chamber of Commerce, between 1920 and 1940.
  • Civil War Master List – This is a compilation of names taken from various sources such as card files, the 1865 census, and the County Historian’s Office. It contains over 38,000 names primarily from the Rochester and Monroe County area.
  • Civil War Substitute List – This list compiles information on men hired as substitutes in the Rochester area during the Civil War draft.
  • A Guide to the Use of Manifests of Alien Arrivals, etc. – will assist those searching for petitions for naturalization in Western NY state, and arrivals in Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Lockport and Rochester.
  • Men’s Name Index – This is a name index to the men’s names in selected scrapbooks and clippings collections kept in the Local History Division.
  • [Men’s and] Women’s Name Index – This is a name index to the men’s and women’s names in selected scrapbooks and clippings collections kept in the Local History Division.
  • Names from City Directories, 1876-1889 – This 21,199 name index was created from the Rochester city directories of 1876-1889 inclusive. These directories contain the year, names, the (USA style M/D/Y) date of the event, age if given, and notation (e.g. – removed to, or married) exactly as they appeared in the directories. Copies may be made only from the online version of the city directories.
  • Roster of Soldiers in the “War of the Rebellion – A list of soldiers from Monroe County who served in the War of the Rebellion, taken from W.H. McIntosh’s History of Monroe County and compiled by staff of the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County.
  • War Dead, from the Revolutionary War to the Lebanon Conflict – This information was taken from material provided by the County Historian’s Office and contains about 2,800 names.
  • World War II and Korean Casualties – This information was taken from data punch cards with cells of newspaper film kept by the Local History Division and contains about 6,500 names.
  • World War II Master File – This information was taken from card files in the Local History Division and contains about 7,000 names.

The indexes linked below were created by volunteers from the Western Monroe County Genealogical Society for the Ogden Farmers’ Library. Copies of the records are available for $10.00 per item and may be obtained by sending an email request to or by writing to:

Ogden Farmers’ Library
Index Request
269 Ogden Center Road
Spencerport, NY 14559

  • Garland Cemetery Index – The Garland Cemetery is located on the south side of Ridge Road (Rt. 104) approximately 1.5 miles east of the Town of Clarkson, in Monroe County, NY. This listing is the result of the work of many people over many years. In the 1980s the stones were read and recorded by Mary Smith, Hazel Kleinbach, Ruth Rayburn, DAR members, and others. In 2005, the Garland Cemetery was canvassed again by Donald Specht to make corrections and to bring this listing up to date. Specht is a volunteer and Trustee of the Ogden Farmers’ Library.
  • Spencerport High School Yearbook Index – This name index covers the years 1911 through 1922, and then various years through the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. The earlier yearbooks included much more information than the more recent ones, such as specific information about where a student was born, his or her family, and so on.
  • 150 Years in Ogden, 100 Years in Spencerport – This is a name index to the book of the same name by Earl Edgar White; indexed by Donald Specht.
  • Caledonia : a History of the Town & Village by Esther M. Hayward – This is a name index to the book of the same name; indexed by Donald Specht.
  • Ogden Centennial Pioneer Reminiscences, 1802-1902 by Augusta E. Rich – This is a name index to the book of the same name; indexed by Donald Specht.
  • 1892 Census – This is a name index to persons living in Ogden, NY as recorded in the 1892 census; indexed by Donald Specht.
  • Brockport Births, 1925-1953 – This is an index to births appearing in the Brockport Republic and the Brockport Democrat (also known as the Brockport Republic-Democrat) from 1925 to 1953. Indexed by Donald P. Specht. Copies may be ordered from the microfilmed papers.
  • Brockport Deaths1856-1923 –This is a name index to death notices and obituaries appearing in the Brockport Republic newspaper from 1856-1923; indexed by Arnold Schockow. Copies of notices appearing here can be ordered from the library through the Life Records database.
  • Brockport Deaths, 1925-1953 – This is an index to deaths appearing in the Brockport Republic and the Brockport Democrat (also known as the Brockport Republic-Democrat) from 1925 to 1953. Indexed by Donald P. Specht. Copies may be ordered from the microfilmed papers.
  • Brockport Marriages, 1856-1917 – This is a name index to marriages appearing in the Brockport Republic newspaper from 1856-1917; indexed by Arnold Schockow. Copies of notices appearing here can be ordered from the library through the Life Records database.
  • Brockport Marriages, 1925-1953 – This is an index to marriages appearing in the Brockport Republic and the Brockport Democrat (also known as the Brockport Republic-Democrat) from 1925 to 1953. Indexed by Donald P. Specht. Copies may be ordered from the microfilmed papers.
  • Persons Buried in Ogden, NY – This is a name index to persons buried in Ogden from 1803 to 2004, gleaned from headstones, cemetery records, and death records; indexed by Donald Specht. 2014 edition.
  • Addendum to Persons Buried in Ogden – This is a companion to Persons Buried in Ogden and contains additional information gleaned from death and other records; indexed by Donald Specht.
  • School Journal – This is a transcription of a Spencerport school newspaper from 1883; transcribed by Patricia Uttaro.
  • St. John the Evangelist Spencerport Baptisms – This is a name index to people baptized at this church from the mid-19th century through the 20th century; indexed by Arnold Schockow. The information includes the names of parents, godparents, priests, and spouses. Some records go from baptism through all the sacraments. Note: in order to include all the information recorded in this index on one page width, the text is greatly reduced, making this document unreadable if printed. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader, zoom in on the text in order to read it.
  • 1917 Farm Directory Index  – transcribed and enhanced by Beverly Remza Veness, Haymarket Virginia, copyright 2006. Taken from American Agriculturalist Farm Directory and Reference Book, Monroe and Livingston Counties, New York: a rural directory and reference book including a road map of Monroe and Livingston Counties. Originally published in 1917 by Orange Judd Co., N.Y.