Enjoy Complimentary Access to NYTimes.com

Rochester City residents can now enjoy complimentary access to the New York Times at NYTimes.com through the Rochester Public Library. Patrons can receive 72 hours of full off-site access to the NYT by creating an account with the NYT, logging in to it and then using the link below:

To create an account with the NYT and receive FREE Full site access for 72 hours:

  1. Go to NYTimes.com
  2. In the upper right hand corner of the screen, click on “login”
  3. At the bottom of the pop up login screen, click “create one”
  4. Create an account with your email address and password
  5. To get your complimentary access to the NY Times, Login to your new account
  6. In a new browser tab, open the NY Times subscription login HERE
  7. Click “redeem” and get your 72 hours of access!