Seed to Sale
“Seed to Sale” the production cycle of the cannabis plant, starting at the seed / nursery and following that plant all the way to the retail sale, AND the tracking processes in which a plant or product can be tracked through its lifecycle / chain of custody in the supply chain. This is the place to learn about the supply chain and all the plant touching businesses that bring products from seed to sale.
A nursery will be a cultivation facility licensed / permitted to propagate and sell plant “starts”, clones or seeds. This your place for all things nursery.
A cultivation license will allow licensed growers to cultivate cannabis, on a permitted scale, who can then sell their products to a processor, or as otherwise stated. For all things relating to the cultivation license, please check here!
Processing / Manufacturing
Processing refers to the extraction or break down of the cannabis plant into raw or refined materials. Said materials may be able to be sold directly to the public, or to a manufacture, who will use raw products by putting them into other manufactured goods. This is the place to learn about what processing and manufacturing is all about.
A microbusiness is a license type that allows for small scale cultivation, processing, distribution and direct sales to consumer. As exciting as this all sounds, it is a complex license, and challenging process to run. Look here to better understand what it means to be a microbusiness in New York State.
The cooperative license type allows for a group of cultivators or self organize and collaborate across the production cycle – including cultivation, processing and distribution – allowing for shared costs and services, enabling a supportive and collaborative framework for “farm success”.

Distribution is the licensed part of the supply chain that brings a finished consumer good from a licensed cultivator / processor to a retailer. Distributors are responsible for collecting tax paid by the retailer. Distributors can be stand alone licenses, or a cultivator and or processor can self distribute.
Delivery licenses will be available to small businesses who wish to work with retailers and distributors to get products directly to consumers.
Retail is one of the primary avenues for consumers to purchase adult use cannabis products. They work with distributors to source products and sell directly to consumers through a state monitored “POS” (point of sale), which completes the Seed to Sale tracking process.
Lab Testing
Testing labs serve as stand alone entities which cannot have any financial interested in any other license type. They must serve the role of an independent third party and are a crucial check point in the cannabis supply chain, testing for cannabis potency and harmful mentals, molds, etc.
Onsite Consumption
Onsite consumption licenses will permit limited inventory, sale and consumption of adult use cannabis products at a given licensed locations. Consider this the “bar” of the cannabis industry!
Here are the permits approved by the OCM. These cover things from trucking and warehousing, plant touching and not, which serve as supportive businesses and operations to the cannabis industry, but will be less restrictive than an actual license.
Ancillary businesses is the term for the ecosystem of supportive businesses that help prop up the cannabis industry. From accounting to certifications, these are the business resources you will need to operate a functional cannabis business.
Seed to Sale
NY HempLab Expert Round Table
Featuring the Tricolla Farms / Tonic Crew – we walk you through the processes of getting plants in the ground to a high quality manufactured product.
NYS OCM – Cultivation License
This is the OCM landing page for all things regarding a cultivation license.
Processing / Manufacturing
NYS OCM – Processing License
This is the OCM landing page for all things regarding a processing license.
NYS OCM – Retail License
This is the OCM landing page for all things regarding a retail license.
CANY Retail Committee Meeting with Tremaine Wright
Meeting of the Retail Committee of the Cannabis Association of New York in which Cannabis Control Board Chair Tremaine Wright was in attendance to answer questions from the committee regarding retail site inspection, plans for delivery and opportunities for wholesale for operating CAURD Licensees. Recorded October 12th, 2022.
CANY Retail Panel Discussion
A discusion panel hosted by the NYC Regional Committee of the Cannabis Association of New York and Dutchie on October 6th, 2022. This Q&A session features CAURD applicant Omari Lee of CannaMeds; Public Defender Eli Northrup, Interim Director of The Bronx Cannabis Hub; Britni and Jayson Tantalo of Flower City Dispensary; Coss Marte of Conbody and Conbud; and Erica Woods, Director of Government Relations & Regulatory Affairs for Dutchie, sharing their stories and discussing CAURD application requirements and application process, diversity, business development, timeline, DASNY, marketing, networking and transition from legacy.
Onsite Consumption
Lab Testing
CANY Compliance and Testing Webinar
Testing and compliance will be the cornerstone of the legal cannabis industry in NYS. This webinar hosted by Vanessa Yee-Chan, Co-chair of the NYC Regional Committee of CANY, will cover all the compliance and testing essentials. Recorded on September 9th, 2022.
Special Use / Vending
Business Formation
NYCGPA 280e Workshop
280E Workshop: A review of federal and New York State taxation of cannabis and cannabis companies.